Friday, March 29, 2013

What Makes Team Building Ineffective

By Carla Rossouw

A lot of companies are creating team building activities because they want to have a more productive team. However, this does not always become effective. There are many factors that may lead to the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of such activities. Below are some of the factors.

Team building may become ineffective if it is rushed. Never rush into making a great team. Great teams are not produced overnight. If you really want to bind your subordinates together, you need to give them time. This means that you cannot plan a one-time event and expect a 100% result. You will have to do things regularly. Give the people time to mingle and connect with each other. It will take several weeks or months. In the end, you will realize that the time spent is worth it. Rushed things do not always yield good results.

It will fail if it is not well planned. Every event has to be planned well. It is the same for team building. You need to allocate some time for the preparations. You do not just gather everyone and have them play some games or do some activities. You need to make sure that these activities fit the crowd. The activities should also be varied and balanced. There should be games that are focusing on communication and teamwork. There should also be those team activities focusing on skills such as problem-solving and leadership.

Team development may become ineffective once the employees don't cooperate. Have the people to become listed on also to become passionate. Don't allow them believe that they are overlooked. Get them to have some fun playing the various activities. You can do this by supplying a preview together with a highlight of the items may happen. Cause them to become excited. It is not that very hard. You need to simply take advantage of the communication abilities and persuasion capabilities to acquire everyone mixed up in event.

It will fail if it is boring. No one wants a boring event. If your employees feel like they are going to just waste time doing the different activities, they will be disinterested. When they become disinterested, it will difficult for them to be open and to learn the core values that are being taught. It will be difficult for them to participate again next time you do it. Therefore, you always have to make sure that every minute is interesting. Make sure that every minute counts during the team building event. If you are handling new employees and you want to get them excited, you can show previous videos of the past events. Let them have a taste of the fun by explaining to them what they should expect.

These are some of the things why team building events become ineffective at times. The next time you will plan one, you should bear these factors in mind to make sure that your event will not fail and that the event will yield good results.

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