Thursday, March 26, 2015

Many Jobs That Involve Travel Are The Best At Providing Fun And Excitement

By Zelma Hurley

There are many different types of jobs. There are those requiring you to get dirty and smelly. Some jobs have you sitting at a desk, all day. Many of them have you on your feet, such as a cashier or pharmacy technician. Then there are some of the more fun jobs that involve travel. These will get you going in many different directions from time to time and actually may be an education.

One of those jobs, of course, is as a travel agent. Many people assume all you have to do on this job would be to sit at a desk and send people to faraway places. This would not be true as most employees must go to a few of these places just so they know how and when the best trips are handled. Getting away, while on the job, is all part of the enjoyment of this position.

As a traveling salesman, the requirement for this is in the title. You may need to go from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city or state to state. As a representative of a company, you may also need to go to other countries, depending on the product and or service. As an executive assistant to a marketing professional, you will often go along with them or go before them to set things up and make connections he or she can follow up on.

The many people who serve as roving supervisors for service companies will also qualify as this type of traveling job. Custodial cleaning companies need people to move around, checking on cleaners and help them with various tasks. Certified Public accountants spend a lot of time on the road especially if they are self employed.

You will certainly be traveling if you are a long haul trucker. You might be on the road for weeks at a time, staying in hotels and getting your breakfast lunch and dinner at different places every meal. There are many trucking companies where you can apply and, if you have experience, this could be your fun way of seeing the sights.

Other jobs you could have allowing and, in many cases, require running around in many parts of the country or overseas will include flight attendants, retail buyers, executive assistants and tour guides. All of these careers need the person to move about to either help others get to the same place or to be somewhere else to gain access to things their company needs.

Being a consultant about some specific process or piece of equipment brings with it a responsibility to go wherever you need to ensure your clients know what they can do with it and how it saves time and money or trouble. An Au pair goes where they kids are and, often, this is to other countries. Photographers, writers and freelance specialists, of any kind, need to be on the go all of the time or they miss opportunities.

Many jobs require you to drive for long distances to even get to work. Those are not the ones being discussed here. There is something about having the freedom to move around to parts of the world you currently do not live in. Many people like to do this kind of work because they get a chance to see things other people may not and that is satisfying to them.

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