Saturday, February 18, 2012

3 Ways To Save On Storage Rent In Singapore

By Ping Enriquez

Singapore is a beautiful cosmopolitan city and thus, many people stay in Singapore or come to Singapore for an extended holiday. But apart from not possessing its own natural resources, Singapore is also challenged with its limited space. There is basically a great deal of latent need for self storage. Homes are getting smaller while incomes are getting bigger. Singaporeans want their living spaces to reflect who they are but don't at all times have the space to accommodate all their possessions. as well, they have added interests or hobbies, which have need of storage space.

Certainly, as soon as your HDB is wearing out at the seams, it's time to be more creative with solutions other than blocking the foyer with your treadmill or occupying your neighbour's portion of the free space in the building complex. Storage lease in Singapore comes as the solution. But you might think this is yet another expense. There are innovative ways to cut cost on storage rent.

1. Get an assessment before you lease so you only rent the space you need. Do not rent a space that is too big for your items. Every inch counts.

2. Check out providers that permit self storage lease to be prorated. Instead of being charged for the full month, some providers do refund the unused rental on a pro-rated counting. This way, you are not wasting leasing money in case you access your items earlier than the month's agreement ends.

3. Check out the proximity of the storage space to your workplace or residence. You would like to have a service in close proximity to you so that you could cut costs on MRT or taxi going there, especially if the article you are storing away is something that you use daily or on a regular basis. This will also save your time as well as energy significantly.

With all these sensible and resourceful ways to rent storage space, you will now see that that storage space is not luxury. Instead, it is a practical solution. Instead of moving in to a bigger flat which will absolutely raise your month-to-month expense manifold, why not lease storage space for belongings that don't fit? You will find a suitable place for your items in a way that will not require too much from your budget or too much changes from your living set up.

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2 Responses so far

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow!! it's very cheap and fantastic ideas

  2. Anonymous says:

    Recently i had read the ppt on save money on self storage and these are cool and most useful and effective ideas..well done

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