Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Different Ways Of Traveling While Pregnant

By Terrie Joyner

Pregnancy is a changing time in a womans life. Her body is constantly changing as her baby grows. Things can become difficult for her and she needs to be careful of what she is doing to make sure her and her baby are always safe. Traveling while pregnant is one of those times where a woman needs to be extra careful.

During pregnancy, the body will make everything that the mother and the baby need. One of those things is extra blood. The blood is needed by both mother and the baby for survival. The additional blood floating around in the system is necessary but can also be dangerous. Blood clots are a serious side effect of the excess blood that is found in the system.

To help prevent this, especially while on a trip of some sort, a woman will need to be moving around a lot. Getting up, moving her arms and legs, getting the circulation moving will be very beneficial to her and her unborn child. If a woman is mostly immobile, she is putting herself at risk for many conditions.

It is likely that there will come a time for a pregnant lady to travel. No matter the distance, there will be risks to it. Blood needs to circulate at a regular rate for it to do as it was intended to do. Where there is extra blood, there is a higher risk for inflammation and for swelling. This is especially true during a trip.

There are many for traveling and each type will come with the same risks to be aware of. Travel done by a car is the most common way a woman will venture out. On a road trip, frequent breaks are recommended. This allows a woman out and the ability to walk around. Moving her legs for just a few minutes will be hugely beneficial.

Even if the car is still moving, she can bend her legs a bit. She can even rub her legs to cause the blood to move some. She can do some stretches in her seat that will move the muscles. When the muscles are moving, the blood will flow to these areas to help them function. Something as simple as shaking arms or flexing the feet can help out a lot.

For the mother to be who is traveling on an airplane, she can treat it the same way as if she were in a car. Granted, she cannot cause the plane to stop and allow her to walk around. She can get up and go to the bathroom. This will allow her some movements and will get her up out of her seat. She can move more while in the bathroom as well.

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Some enjoy it and others keep wishing it was over. No matter how the woman feels, there will be benefits and there will be risks to be concerned with. Traveling while pregnant is one of the risks. A woman will need to know what is going on with herself and will need to know different ways to keep herself and her baby safe.

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