Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Hoonah Bear Viewing Experience

By Janine Hughes

The huge, wild and roaming bears may be the ultimate identification of the Alaskan wildlife. Without a doubt, seeing them even for a few minutes is a rare as well as magical experience. Bears can be seen in other places just like in national parks. Still, it is going to be a whole different experience if you go to a specific community in Alaska, located in the southeast area.

The encounters are definitely intimate and unique. This is the reason why the experience could only be comparable to the exciting African safari tours. It is a rare opportunity for both photographers and enthusiasts to see the bears together with other Alaskan inhabitants such the different species of birds, foxes, otters and wolves in their natural surroundings which is only possible by going on Hoonah bear viewing.

There are different options offered to access remote Alaska regions that are considered excellent for this experience such as small airplanes and boats. This is the reason that the tours like this became popular. People are awaited by wonderful views of the majestic Alaskan landscapes, volcanoes, glaciers and coastline. The overall experience will be made even more wonderful with these views and worth their while of course.

Such tours are best conducted early June until middle of September because of the very cold temperature. During late June as well as July, you can see these creatures in waterfalls as well as lakes. The prepare themselves for the incoming hibernation period by feasting on chunky young salmon. From late July until August, you can see them playing as well as learning self-feeding in the hillsides where they can get juicy as well as sweet berries.

As a guest, you have to bear in mind that there are numerous rules you have to follow because you are in the habitat of such creatures. The open set up will give you the chance to see clearly how curious as well as intelligent they are.

In case such creatures will approach you due to curiosity, you have to stay put as well as calm. You can be assured that they will not become aggressive and attack you as long as your behavior is predictable. One thing is for sure, these tours are conducted with the presence of trained guides.

Five to ten hours are often spent during most of such tours which is ideal for you to get to know the culture of these creatures better. In fact, you may just see behaviors that not even experts have prior seen. Such creatures have the tendency to not mind visitors and just go on with their everyday routines.

The reason behind this is that they have become very accustomed to the presence of people. It is normally an experience in itself to get a spot but they will also be flying over pebble beaches, many ice fields, rough mountain peaks, backcountry lakes, rich rugged wilderness and golden tundra. Alaska can definitely offer an exciting outdoor adventure such as these tours along with the panoramic views, unique wildlife and rich history.

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